
Showing posts from 2018

Entry #10 werk tingzzz

Hello hypocrites! I know the last thing you want to be thinking about is work. Its Understandable, work tires us out, work ruins our day, work is like that one annoying person you avoid saying hi to in public. In America, we go to school for work, THEN work to pay for life, THEN create a 401K, THEN retire and die. It sounds brutal, but isn't that life? Not all common people follow that specific order, but essentially the goal is to build a retirement and wait for our souls to adventure out our bodies (die). Before I begin, I would like to note that I just pulled a double in my shifts and I am sooooooooo exhausted! I worked from 6am till 6:35pm... However at least I am gettin that bread! (Slang word for money).       Ponder this, are you working to only make ends meet? Maybe you're a student working to pay off college or a mom trying to support her children. Do you notice anything about your work? Meaning, do you notice any injustice? Unfairness? or any annoying factor...

Entry #9 Tablet Babysitters

       Hello hypocrites! Hmm where does my life and media intersect??? I'd say it intersects with my life all the time.      My family seems to have grown on to the new age of technology. Before I began expressing my thoughts and opinions on media technology, I just want to say that I do not hate it. I appreciate the positive sides like expressing ones opinions, effectively communicating and overall entertainment. I believe entertainment, interests and laughs are essential for the soul. Every once and awhile it is goof after a long day of work to watch a panda sneeze and scare its baby. On the other hand, I also believe it has disconnected a lot of us today.      When there is a awkward situation, such as when you are next to a person that is in your same class (but, is not quiet a "hey pal lets spill the tea together friend) our tendency to go on our phones wins. This is because we do not wish to interact or speak with them at all...

Entry #8 Hypocrites

Hello hypocrites!-Now this is the blog where I finally explain why this is my intro. Everyone at some point in their lives has been a hypocrite. I believe this intro of mine comes out strong and maybe somewhat offensive or a bit harsh. I do want my audience to feel this affect.      I want my audience to be a bit thrown off when they read my intro...Let me explain. Well, to start off, I love philosophy and all the deep meaning stuff that comes with it. I believe people who can admit their REAL flaws in themselves, have an advantage. They have the advantage to change their own selves when they are being toxic or harmful to others. To clarify, if you see what you do wrong, you can now change to do right. Get it? Now you have the chance to change the bad in you, to be a better human being. Being honest with yourself gives you the chance to grow stronger. I am sure everyone likes to be the victim in many scenarios. It is easy to blame others when we mess up. It is so ea...


Hello Hypocrites! Let's discuss hashtags...       So, what are hashtags? According to, a hashtag is"a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it." In other words, hashtags are a word or phrase typically on social media that helps a user search faster. This searching is fast for individuals because it groups and categorizes that word or phrase used.      Personally speaking...I never use hashtags. Well, I shouldn't say never, because I only use them for political reasons or to be purposely cringey (idk is that's a real word). I find myself often cringing at people who use hashtags in their posts when they are not political. Wow, I am sounding harsh and I am not trying to. Side note: If you are reading this and use hashtags I am sorry and I am not trying to make you feel bad or attacked. Double Side note: you do NOT have to agree with me on hash...

Entry # EC Capitalism

     Hello Hypocrites! Let's discuss Michael Moore's film Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) ...       Before watching Moore's film, I never thought capitalism can affect America in so many ways. I once heard someone say that capitalism is a huge cause of global warming. And my response was like : ??? Then, I had government class during senior year. I learned about capitalism, and from the textbook, it sounded great. The idea of free enterprise sounded fair, and did not seem as toxic as it is portrayed in his film. Also, my older brother always insisted that capitalism is the best way to go.    However, my views instantly changed once Professor Nielson tied us down to our desks, and forced us to watch the film. I am glad he did it, because now I have a wider view on Capitalism. During the film it is clear that the type of rhetoric Moore uses in the film is humor. Yes, it always great to laugh at terrible situation, and his humor narration c...

Entry #6 My girl Demi Lovato is a baddie and here is why:

Demi Lovato's Impact             Hello hypocrites! There are tons of celebrities out there, and some use their platform to influence the world. There is a certain celebrity I want to discuss with you today and that is singer/actress Demi Lovato. Like any other human being on this planet, she is not perfect, but let me tell you why her streak of success positively impacts the world.       Demetria Devonne Lovato is a popular celebrity with numerous music awards, and recently a Grammy nominee. Her mental illness and substance abuse is widely known to the public. She struggles with eating disorders (bulimia) and is diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  At a very young age, she became addicted to hard drugs, which then led her to be kicked off her award winning Disney show Sonny With A Chance. After multiple relapses and visits to rehab centers, she was officially sober for 6 years.      Du...

Entry #5 Ducey's Education Plan for Az

     Hello there hypocrites! ( I'll explain in a later blog why that is my intro) Anyways! Let's discuss the education plan that Doug Ducey has cooking for Arizona.     In the article posted on AZ Central's website:  Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads  discusses Doug Ducey's (AZ's current senator) concern for the percentage of college grads in Arizona. Fair warning, I am going to express my opinion on this, and I do not want to offend anyone..I think his plan SOUNDS great, but I question if it is realistic? I'll admit that I think it is great that the type of rhetoric he uses with percentages makes his point quite appealing. It makes it sound reliable with the use of numbers and all that. To clarify, his plan he is working on, includes teaming up with communities and Arizona's Education department. It is called Achieve60Az, and the goal is to increase 60% in Arizona's grads by 2030.      The reason I question this is beca...

Entry #4 hmmmm advice or?

Real Advice?       Hey there Hypocrites! Hmmm today’s topic is advice. No, not me asking you for advice, or me giving you advice. I want to discuss about the advice that’s given everywhere on the internet. Advice is given everywhere on social media, whether it is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Snap chat etc. Before I get into this, I’m not upset that there’s advice everywhere, I love that individuals in this time period have easy access to all sorts of advice. I am only talking about this topic to get the human brain flowing a bit, ya know? -to think deep.        Advice is spread across all sorts of social media outlets, but do we ever question how credible these advice accounts are? I was mindlessly scrolling on Facebook one morning, and saw endless shares on all sorts of advice. I began to click on these advice accounts on Facebook and Instagram. These advice accounts have tons of followers, with thousands of likes and shares. I came across some...

Entry #3 Fact Check

0           Hello hypocrites! If you are up to date on the news then you are aware that there is a lot of division in America- politically and socially speaking. Now, whether you are a leftist, rightist, middlist, upist or downist we can all agree that our news sources are ALL bias. There is so much opportunity and freedom to put out your opinions, or interpret facts in your own words so much that original news and facts can be buried under all of it. It can be buried under all the name calling, blaming, theories and even your moral point of view.      The topic on immigration is a constant talk on all sides politically, there is a lot of over generalization that I would like to clear up. I am aware that my own blog is sounding bias already, and I do not mean to offend anyone who opposes this view. If you have a concern, or want to correct me, please comment and let me know. I want to remain neutral, but still hold my morals with facts....

Entry #2 Tech Advancin

Hello Hypocrites! Today I will be discussing the advancement of technology! How many people do you know have a home phone, and  actually  use it? Not very many home phones are left, and if they are, they are mostly used avoiding telemarketer calls that nobody enjoys receiving. In the next generation, home phones are going to be seen as ancient history.       Cellphones are definitely more convenient. If you're out shopping or grabbing some dinner, you don't have to worry about missing that important phone call. You carry your main source of communication right in your pocket or purse.       Another development is definitely dial up internet. As a child I used to hate having to wait for the network to connect and I would have to wait a few minutes, if it didn't work I would have to close it out and restart the whole dial up process. We have advanced to stronger and faster WiFi connections. Nowadays cars even have WiFi connections.  CARS!...

Entry #1 Blogs n stuff

   Hello hypocrites! I have never in my life considered creating a blog for myself. I guess you could say my twitter is one, I mainly use it for laughs or to stalk my wife Demi Lovato. From what I understand, blogs can either be ugly or beautiful. There are some blogs that are of full hateful opinions or have hard honest truth to swallow. Then, you have blogs to keep you positive or informed in the world. I want to be somewhere in between. I want to use the hard truth to create a better atmosphere for my audience. Sometimes it takes ugly truth for beautiful change.      Now, TMZ is a popular "news" source for the public. TMZ blogs have tons of fallacies such as slander, over-generalization, ad-hominen and overstatements.      This sort of rhetoric is aimed towards celebrities. These blogs are obviously popular because they talk about famous people in an outrages way. TMZ has been bashed and accused for violating celebrity rights such as, thei...

Blog Post Introduction

      Hey hyprocrites! I have never been the type of person to use the internet for any of my own thoughts and opinions, so blogger is new for me. I have to admit that it is out of my comfortably zone. However I believe when you are in a state of uncomfortably, it is an opportunity to grow. I know this blogger can help my writing skills grow. It is important to be optimistic about situations like this as William James once said " Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power. "               Like I said, I am not really an internet person, yes I have social media solely for communication and to check up on close ones. Also, I use it to stay up to date in our strange world. The reason for being MIA on social media is not because I'm some sort of hipster, rather someone who gets annoyed with it. In my opinion, social media encourages others to be self centered. Though, it is natural for humans to love attention. I want to clarify that I...