Entry #5 Ducey's Education Plan for Az
Hello there hypocrites! ( I'll explain in a later blog why that is my intro) Anyways! Let's discuss the education plan that Doug Ducey has cooking for Arizona.
In the article posted on AZ Central's website: Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads discusses Doug Ducey's (AZ's current senator) concern for the percentage of college grads in Arizona. Fair warning, I am going to express my opinion on this, and I do not want to offend anyone..I think his plan SOUNDS great, but I question if it is realistic? I'll admit that I think it is great that the type of rhetoric he uses with percentages makes his point quite appealing. It makes it sound reliable with the use of numbers and all that. To clarify, his plan he is working on, includes teaming up with communities and Arizona's Education department. It is called Achieve60Az, and the goal is to increase 60% in Arizona's grads by 2030.
The reason I question this is because I have seen, and read a lot about Doug Ducey's past views and actions on Arizona's education. It is known that Arizona's education system is not the best. In fact, I heard our education system is the lowest it has ever been in 3 decades. According to the article from the same website that talks about Achieve60Az, Our View: The fatal flaw in Gov. Doug Ducey's teacher pay plan shows that our education funding has not been able to afford new up to date textbooks, water fountains, repairs, supplies and of course teacher salaries. After the backlash from the Red for Ed movement that Doug Ducey received, it was ONLY then he decided to do something about fixing the education system. I find this sus (slang for suspicious) because I personally believe if he really cared about Arizona's education, he would have been acting on fixing it before the backlash and he also would have been publicly talking about it, just like how he is now- because now he talks about how crucial it is to fix it.
In this 60 percent plan, he says that he has given over 142 million towards education and Universities. (Side Note: University spend loads of their money on the way their campus looks so, it can appeal to others more than actually spending it on education and research). Anywaysss, according to the other article, it states that Arizona's education system is in so much deep sh** that 142 million can not possibly help Az education in the long run. I do not trust this plan because I do not trust his 20x20 plan to help Arizona. Yes, it does increase teacher salaries but, it does not secure AZ's education forever according to the second article I linked. If we go into a low economic state again (which we will because that is the way simple economics goes) that means his plan will leave AZ's education system vulnerable.
And that's the TEA sis!
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