Blog Post Introduction

     Hey hyprocrites! I have never been the type of person to use the internet for any of my own thoughts and opinions, so blogger is new for me. I have to admit that it is out of my comfortably zone. However I believe when you are in a state of uncomfortably, it is an opportunity to grow. I know this blogger can help my writing skills grow. It is important to be optimistic about situations like this as William James once said "Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power."
              Like I said, I am not really an internet person, yes I have social media solely for communication and to check up on close ones. Also, I use it to stay up to date in our strange world. The reason for being MIA on social media is not because I'm some sort of hipster, rather someone who gets annoyed with it. In my opinion, social media encourages others to be self centered. Though, it is natural for humans to love attention. I want to clarify that I do not judge others for using it, because we all want to be liked or accepted in some way, and social media fulfills that for most. Instead of posting about my face wash routine, I am actively doing things that help change our world one way or another. I may be doing something as small as teaching my young five siblings, to participating in marches or protests, and tons of volunteer work. 

 Image result for be the change you wish to see
My goal in life is to continue my education life-long. Knowledge is power, and I wish to use that power for good, by educating others or reassuring others. I want to transfer after my two years of community college to a University and possibly be memorable teacher to all. Hopefully, my blog will make others think deep, or my information will inspire someone in some way. Whether you agree with my blog or not, I want others to have a deep thought process about why they agree or why they disagree. 


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