Entry #8 Hypocrites
![Image result for hypocrite street sign](https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/green-overhead-road-sign-hypocrisy-260nw-388569646.jpg)
Hello hypocrites!-Now this is the blog where I finally explain why this is my intro. Everyone at some point in their lives has been a hypocrite. I believe this intro of mine comes out strong and maybe somewhat offensive or a bit harsh. I do want my audience to feel this affect.
I want my audience to be a bit thrown off when they read my intro...Let me explain. Well, to start off, I love philosophy and all the deep meaning stuff that comes with it. I believe people who can admit their REAL flaws in themselves, have an advantage. They have the advantage to change their own selves when they are being toxic or harmful to others. To clarify, if you see what you do wrong, you can now change to do right. Get it? Now you have the chance to change the bad in you, to be a better human being. Being honest with yourself gives you the chance to grow stronger. I am sure everyone likes to be the victim in many scenarios. It is easy to blame others when we mess up. It is so easy to believe we are always right. Yes sometimes we are victims and yes we can be right at times...But, we have to also see when we are not the victims, and when we are in the wrong. It overall, helps us be mindful on the way we treat others, and how we can be better at it. So how the hell does this connect to my intro? This connects to my intro because since my "hello hypocrites" is harsh, I see it as.. that we are all admitting to ourselves that WE..HAVE..This flaw. Everyone does, everyone is a hypocrite whether you admit it or not. I preach about a lot of things that I do not always follow. For instance, I do not always treat people the way I want to be treated.
We have all been in bad moods, have had bad days and it resulted in treating others poorly. I admit I can be an asshole. After I calm down once I have argued, attacked or treated someone awful- I now have to put my pride aside AND admit to myself that I AM IN THE WRONG. Then, I apologize. I suggest for everyone to read EVERYBODY’S A HYPOCRITE ...It can maybe help you understand what I mean. To help us be less of a hypocrite we should say something like:
Do what I say, but not what I DID.
If we apply this idea..Then we can admit to ourselves we were in the wrong for what we did, but now we can proceed to guide someone away from our mistakes..
And that's the TEA, sis!
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