Entry #6 My girl Demi Lovato is a baddie and here is why:

Demi Lovato's Impact

     Hello hypocrites! There are tons of celebrities out there, and some use their platform to influence the world. There is a certain celebrity I want to discuss with you today and that is singer/actress Demi Lovato. Like any other human being on this planet, she is not perfect, but let me tell you why her streak of success positively impacts the world. 

     Demetria Devonne Lovato is a popular celebrity with numerous music awards, and recently a Grammy nominee. Her mental illness and substance abuse is widely known to the public. She struggles with eating disorders (bulimia) and is diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  At a very young age, she became addicted to hard drugs, which then led her to be kicked off her award winning Disney show Sonny With A Chance. After multiple relapses and visits to rehab centers, she was officially sober for 6 years.

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     During her 6 years of sobriety she used her celebrity power to create a platform that raises awareness around mental illness/eating disorders. She participates in speeches concerning these issues, and she teams up with tons of organizations. She has openly shared her past with the public, she does this to show her audience that they are not alone and to seek help. She has done documentaries to share her ongoing issues and updated progress. Her recent documentary Simply Complicated can be watched on YouTube. Here is a quick 2 minute trailer. 

     Demi has teamed up with so many organizations, the list is too long to discuss. However, the ones she is famously known for is Cast On Tour. Cast is a free therapy/wellness session fans can be apart of before the concert. She has guest speakers during the sessions such as, popular singer Kehlani, DJ Kittens, Nick Jonas etc. 
Sometimes she does a surprise visit to these sessions for the fans.

Image result for demi talking during her concert            Image result for cast on tour demi

     Other organizations she's joined forces with is SUNOVION and National Alliance on Mental illness. These organizations are leading mental health advocacy that speaks up on these topics. On top of that, Ms.Lovato has donated tons of money to rehab facilities. Demi is always seen talking about these topics, it's one of the reasons why she is so widely known. She always discusses mental health/drug abuse during her concerts on stage to thousands of fans. I have actually witnessed a couple of her speeches, and I love them. 

     Image result for demi talking during her  concert on piano
     She is an inspiration to many, and she promotes herself on social media and live events. She uses her music and fame to create this beautiful platform. 

 I have had the great opportunity to meet her in person. Here is a picture of me proposing to her in a banana suit.

     If any of you know the process of becoming sober, you know that the process includes relapsing, you are bound to fail, you are bound to have a crave, but you need to put yourself back on track a. It is an ongoing battle for addicts. Just recently, Demi began to relapse, and she fell into an overdose. She is now made the decision to get better again. She has goals set in place to be better. This did upset the world. Since she is known for her 6 years of sobriety and advocacy, but like any other human, you're not perfect. She is still fighting the battles and does not plan on giving up. 

And that's the TEA sis!


  1. I never knew any of that about Demi. That makes me look at her in a different way.


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