Entry #4 hmmmm advice or?

Real Advice?

      Hey there Hypocrites! Hmmm today’s topic is advice. No, not me asking you for advice, or me giving you advice. I want to discuss about the advice that’s given everywhere on the internet. Advice is given everywhere on social media, whether it is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Snap chat etc. Before I get into this, I’m not upset that there’s advice everywhere, I love that individuals in this time period have easy access to all sorts of advice. I am only talking about this topic to get the human brain flowing a bit, ya know? -to think deep. 

      Advice is spread across all sorts of social media outlets, but do we ever question how credible these advice accounts are? I was mindlessly scrolling on Facebook one morning, and saw endless shares on all sorts of advice. I began to click on these advice accounts on Facebook and Instagram. These advice accounts have tons of followers, with thousands of likes and shares. I came across some controversial advice on whether women should hit men, or what to do when a man cheats and blah blah. It shocked me to see so many individuals believe these sort of ideas. However, I do understand everyone has their own opinion on such topics, but I feel as though these advice accounts are shaping the way tons of people think. Now, I am doing my best not to overgeneralize, but the majority of these people (Americans) believe what they see on the internet. Therefore, these advice accounts are widely accepted, without any credibility. Image result for believe what u see on internet'No one on the internet is going to question the credibility on these accounts, at least I have not seen any questioning. The fact is, no one cares if these advice accounts are credible, they only care if the advice given sounds good to them.

     You may be rolling your eyes as you read this, but I found this topic interesting. I think so much advice is being given by users who have no professional license or education on health, mental health, relationships etc. On the bright side, there are articles out there that give advice on how to check the credibility of advice. Here is a link I found 9 Website Credibility Killers that help you understand how fake or real the information on the internet really is. Overall, we are in day in age where anyone can give thousands of people advice without having any experience/education on the topic at all.
And that is the TEA sis!


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