Hello Hypocrites!
Let's discuss hashtags...
      So, what are hashtags? According to Dictionary.com, a hashtag is"a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it." In other words, hashtags are a word or phrase typically on social media that helps a user search faster. This searching is fast for individuals because it groups and categorizes that word or phrase used.

     Personally speaking...I never use hashtags. Well, I shouldn't say never, because I only use them for political reasons or to be purposely cringey (idk is that's a real word). I find myself often cringing at people who use hashtags in their posts when they are not political. Wow, I am sounding harsh and I am not trying to. Side note: If you are reading this and use hashtags I am sorry and I am not trying to make you feel bad or attacked. Double Side note: you do NOT have to agree with me on hashtags, if you like using them, THEN USE THEM! Do your thang!-Anyway I cringe at hashtags. I even double cringe when people use them in person. For example:

Annoying dude: Connor Mcgregor would have won if it wasn't boxing.
Me: Everyone who is upset about the results say that.
Annoying dude: Well, it is HASHTAG TRUE.

(This dialogue was based on true events during my senior year.)

Other examples like people yelling out hashtag yes! hashtag beast mode! hashtag Starbucks!...It drives me insane. In all reality though, who am I to judge and label someone as annoying or cringe worthy? Or when I see people wearing stuff like this...

    Image result for hashtag shirts kids                                                  Image result for hashtag shirts kids
If I had a hashtag shirt it would probably look like this...

     Image result for hashtag shirts kidsHaha I am only semi kidding..WEAR what you want! I do use hashtags, but like I said earlier I only use them for political reasons. In Bernadette N. Lim's article The #Hashtag Revolution they talk about the use of hashtags nowadays. There is a part in the article where they say "hashtag is becoming " a form of social protest (Lim). But, they express they are worried that that is the ONLY preferred form of protests in modern times. It is worrying because only using hashtags can make a small impact in comparison to actually voting or protesting. I some what agree. I agree there people who use #BlackLivesMatter  #Vote #Womensmarch as just a way to follow a trend. Instead of actually being educated in these topics and making a difference. When I post images, I use these hashtags to express my opinion publicly on social media, to show my alliance and my passion to change the world. I hope the person who is reading this uses hashtags to show their passion for changing just like me -and who actually educates themselves on the topic they choose to hashtag..
And that is the TEA, SIS!


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